Tree Top 100 Baby Names Tree Top 100 Baby Names

You'll find the top 100 baby names for 1928 below.

Top 100 Baby Names for 1928

Rank Male name Female name
2 John Betty
3 James Dorothy
4 William Helen
5 Charles Margaret
6 Richard Ruth
7 Donald Doris
8 George Barbara
9 Joseph Virginia
10 Edward Shirley
11 Thomas Patricia
12 Frank Jean
13 Paul Frances
14 Harold Elizabeth
15 Jack Mildred
16 Raymond Anna
17 Kenneth Evelyn
18 Walter Lois
19 David Alice
20 Eugene Dolores
21 Henry Marie
22 Arthur Martha
23 Albert Rose
24 Ralph Norma
25 Herbert Gloria
26 Harry Phyllis
27 Billy Joan
28 Carl Irene
29 Willie Marjorie
30 Joe Joyce
31 Howard Louise
32 Louis Florence
33 Alfred Catherine
34 Roy Ruby
35 Clarence Lillian
36 Fred Eleanor
37 Earl Annie
38 Norman Marilyn
39 Lawrence Lorraine
40 Francis Thelma
41 Gerald Gladys
42 Leonard Josephine
43 Ernest Nancy
44 Anthony June
45 Stanley Edna
46 Marvin Beverly
47 Daniel Marion
48 Melvin Pauline
49 Bernard Theresa
50 Ronald Geraldine
51 Leroy Lucille
52 Samuel Grace
53 Michael Bernice
54 Floyd Ann
55 Russell Ethel
56 Peter Edith
57 Ray Rita
58 Lloyd Juanita
59 Edwin Hazel
60 Andrew Audrey
61 Leo Donna
62 Gene Jane
63 Elmer Wanda
64 Bill Sarah
65 Bobby Esther
66 Theodore Clara
67 Frederick Elaine
68 Wayne Emma
69 Clifford Wilma
70 Vernon Beatrice
71 Roger Marian
72 Alvin Charlotte
73 Philip Elsie
74 Clyde Willie
75 Dale Katherine
76 Glenn Peggy
77 Herman Carol
78 Gordon Vivian
79 Jerry Eva
80 Leon Julia
81 Charlie Bertha
82 Vincent Laura
83 Martin Kathleen
84 Don Maxine
85 Warren Agnes
86 Lewis Gertrude
87 Lee Ida
88 Chester Rosemary
89 Lester Bonnie
90 Harvey Jeanne
91 Milton Vera
92 Jesse Carolyn
93 Allen Anne
94 Calvin Delores
95 Bob Janet
96 Gilbert Billie
97 Cecil Jacqueline
98 Arnold Bessie
99 Victor Kathryn
100 Jimmie Ellen
Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth.